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Aurora: deep security products you use is also safe?

Time:2015-07-11 Source:

Now anti-counterfeiting technology is more and more advanced, and counterfeit means is also more and more sophisticated, we must pay attention to the use of security products in the use of security products, and that we want to understand the company's use of security products is still safe?

First, the technology is not easy to be copied, the market is full of such products; second, the use of anti false product technology and raw materials are difficult to be copied; third, you choose whether the strength, high degree of trust, can provide you with perfect after-sales service, and strong confidentiality.

以上几点都与您所使用的防伪产品是否能防伪息息相关,当防伪技术被仿制,市面上大量充斥着这种产品的时候,那对于产品防伪来说绝对是不利的,因为您所使用的防伪产品随时可能被复制用于假冒伪劣产品,防伪所使用的工艺和设计要是独一无二的,如果使用大众都是一样的,那根本没什么特性,很容易就被破解了,原材料也是一个原因,你使用的原材料成本高,设备要求高,那么抄袭者在仿制的时候可能因为费用问题而选择不复制,还有一个重点就是您选择的防伪公司,如果您选择的事小作坊式的防伪公司,或者公司实力不强,那首先,他们技术可能就跟不上来,研发实力没有的话,无法保持防伪产品的更新换代,也容易被破解,还有就是售后,我们往往在选择一项产品的时候一定要弄清楚售后工作,现在社会瞬息万变,可能前一时间还红红火火的公司,第 Two days on the collapse, if you buy the company's products, the sale is not, product security can not guarantee, there is a very important point, the company's confidentiality and integrity must be in place, the confidentiality is not strong, easy to cause information leakage, resulting in product security, there is the company's integrity, if a company will sell you products, and also sold to do fake and shoddy products, and that your security is invalid, and not safe.

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