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Aurora: how to identify the authenticity of deep tobacco?

Time:2015-07-16 Source:

Although some cigarettes difficile authenticity, but also do not distinguish not to come out, we as long as careful a point, also can tell what is false, then how to identify cigarette authenticity?

One is to see cigarette encoding. Formal channels of cigarettes each cigarette above penda by area code, date of sorting, customer information main content consists of the 32-bit laser coding, coding after four should be with the sale of businesses to tobacco monopoly retail license number four consistent.

Two is to see the transparent packaging paper. A real cigarette transparent paper packaging made of special materials, whether it is a bag or box, the real cigarette transparent paper smooth, bright and clean and transparent paper left obviously machine scratches. Cigarette transparent paper is not smooth, loose, no obvious scratch machine.

Three is to look at the label printing. Cigarette and cigarette package really trademark, logo, color clear, clear. Cigarette packages printing rough patterns and color, illegible, some English letters and Chinese pinyin is incomplete or wrong India.

Four is to see a cigarette. Really smoke filter neat incision, no hair stubble, cigarette of uniform thickness, soft hard moderate, cigarette surface clean, take the exit at the smokeless powder, cigarette packages and vice versa.

The five is to look at the tobacco. The less I smoke tobacco stems, tobacco stems by puffing tobacco, oily luster. There are a lot of counterfeit cigarettes tobacco stems, tobacco and dull, dark brown.

Six is the use of some tobacco will use anti false identification. For example, some tobacco will use the anti fake printing film, in order to prevent counterfeit tobacco.

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